Avast ye, we know you’ve heard of the Mojito but have you ever heard of the Revenge Mojito?
This cocktail is best served cold and right in our tasting room. However, we’re giving you the secret map to make this drink at home! Listen up sailors, because you’re better than that bottom shelf rum. Feel free to stop by our tasting room and upgrade your liquor cabinets anytime, all pirates are welcome! Grab your crew and get ready to run a rig because this drink is a classic favorite even the scourge of the 7 seas will enjoy.
Here’s What You’ll Need

- 2 oz Revenge Rum
- 1/2 a Lime
- 2 tsp Sugar
- 4 Mint Leaves
- Club Soda
- Ice
- Muddler
- Standard Jigger
- Mixing Spoon
Weigh Anchor, It’s Time to Set Sail
Making the Revenge Mojito is so simple any scallywag could do it. This secret recipe is made in house at our tasting room, so stop by and give it a try if you’re a West Palm Beach local. Make sure to grab a bottle while you’re there so you can join the crew and take a piece of our treasure home with you. Now, shake off those sea legs and let’s get started.
Avast ye sailors, we’ll start off with preparing our limes. Cut the lime in half and cut one of the halves into four wedges. Then, place your wedges into the glass face up so they are easier to muddle later on.
Then, measure out 2 tsp of sugar and muddle everything together. Leave the limes in the glass to add some color to your drink. After all we’re pirates, not savages.
Next, we’re going to add 4 fresh mint leaves to the glass. Let’s proceed to the secret treasure, grab your jiggers and measure out 2 oz of Revenge Rum to add to your cocktail. Anything less, would be a disgrace on Davy Jones Locker.
Fill your glass with ice and top off the drink with club soda. Then, grab your mixing spoon and mix it all together, try your best to bring up the limes and mint to make the drink look like ours! What sailor would’nt pay a couple pieces of eight for this Mojito.
Lastly, slice up some leftover lime into wedges and pick off a couple more mint leaves to garnish. You should now have yourselves a Revenge Mojito that looks something like this. Shiver me Timber! Any scallywag would walk the plank to taste this delicious rum cocktail.
Yo Ho Ho! We’ve done it! Welcome to the crew mate.
Once you’ve tasted the smooth and sweet taste of revenge rum there is no going back. You’re apart of this crew for life sailor.
The Revenge Mojito is a crowd favorite in our tasting room. It’s smooth, light, and refreshing which makes it the perfect beverage to enjoy at any time of the day. We’re simply giving you the joy of making it at your own home now too! Call us today to book a tasting with Captain Bolt himself or just stop by our Distillery at 415 Southern Blvd in West Palm Beach. Our precious bottles are available for purchase on site. Remember sailors, Revenge Rum is best served cold and with the crew of your favorite sea dogs!